IFFC – VII       
All Winners 2023
The 7th International Festival of Short Films on Cultural Tourism one of its kind presented 97 films from 47 countries from 16 December to 18 December 2024 at North Central Zone Cultural Centre (NCZCC) Auditorium, Alka Puri Colony, Prayagraj, UP (India). IFFC VII was a grand success attended by film celebrities, ambassadors and delegates from across the countries. IFFC VII was inaugurated by Mr. Boney Kapoor, Eminent Film Producer and Director in presence of Mr. Suneel Darshan, Renowned Producer and Director; Mr. Kunal Kohli, Renowned Film Director, Producer, Writer and Actor; Mr. Abhinay Deo, Renowned Film Director; Mr. Gurmeet Choudhary, Well-known Film Actor; Mr. Manoj Joshi, Noted Film, TV and Theatre Actor; Ms. Priti Sapru, Renowned Actress, Producer & Director; Mr. Rajesh Puri, Noted Actor; Mr. Subhash Sehgal, Renowned Film Editor; Ms. Manjari Fadnis, Well-known Actress and Ms. Indira Krishna, Noted Film & TV Actress.
Participating Countries: IFFC VII
Afghanistan CzechRepublic Korea Saudi Arabia
Albania Denmark Slovenia Serbia
Algeria Dominican Republic Latvia Singapore
Andorra Ecuador Lebanon Slovakia
Angola Egypt Lesotho South Africa
Apan Estonia Lithuania Spain
Argentina Finland Luxembourg SriLanka
Australia France Malaysia Sweden
Austria Georgia Mexico Switzerland
Bahrain Germany Montenegro Syria
Bulgaria Ghana Morocco Taiwan
Bangladesh Greece Myanmar Thailand
Belarus Hong Kong Nepal Timor-Leste
Belgium Hungary Netherlands Tunisia
Bosnia and Herzegovina Iceland New Zealand Turkey
Brazil India Nigeria Uganda
Bulgaria Indonesia Norway Ukraine
Cambodia Iran Peru United Arab Emirates
Canada Iraq Philippines United Kingdom
Chile Israel Poland United States
China Ireland Portugal Uzbekistan
Colombia Italy PuertoRico Venezuela
Costa Rica Jordan Réunion Vietnam
Croatia Kazakhstan Romania Zimbabwe
Cuba Kenya Russian Federation  

The Organiser iiMC (Indian Infotainment Media Corporation) Mumbai, is the biggest producer of short films in private sector in India and the Chief Producer, Director and Actor Mr. Devendra Khandelwal is the biggest director of short films as per “LIMCA BOOK OF RECORDS”. iiMC is involved into film festivals for the last 17 years. Apart from IFFC, it also holds Festival on Gandhian Films in all over India and has successfully completed 28 Film Festivals till date, and also Festival of Films on Tribal Art & Culture at different cities of India.

In an emerging territory of over millions of inhabitants, this Film Festival serves as a common platform for young filmmakers, the presence of the international film fraternity, trained filmmakers and media representatives, together with over 10,000 visitors, confirms IFFC’s status as the leading film festival in India, recognized by film professionals and the wider public alike. The festival focuses on culture and tourism through the Competition selections for short fiction, animation and documentary films.

IFFC VII was inaugurated by Mr. Boney Kapoor, Eminent Film Producer and Director in presence of Mr. Suneel Darshan, Renowned Producer and Director; Mr. Kunal Kohli, Renowned Film Director, Producer, Writer and Actor; Mr. Abhinay Deo, Renowned Film Director; Mr. Gurmeet Choudhary, Well-known Film Actor; Mr. Manoj Joshi, Noted Film, TV and Theatre Actor; Ms. Priti Sapru, Renowned Actress, Producer & Director; Mr. Rajesh Puri, Noted Actor; Mr. Subhash Sehgal, Renowned Film Editor; Ms. Manjari Fadnis, Well-known Actress and Ms. Indira Krishna, Noted Film & TV Actress.

During the 3 days of the Film Festival which was sponsored by Department of Tourism, Government of Uttar Pradesh, numerous eminent filmmakers presented their work to the public from all over the globe including local professional film makers from Uttar Pradesh.