Participating Countries: IFFC V
Afghanistan | CzechRepublic | Korea | Saudi Arabia |
Albania | Denmark | Slovenia | Serbia |
Algeria | Dominican Republic | Latvia | Singapore |
Andorra | Ecuador | Lebanon | Slovakia |
Angola | Egypt | Lesotho | South Africa |
Apan | Estonia | Lithuania | Spain |
Argentina | Finland | Luxembourg | SriLanka |
Australia | France | Malaysia | Sweden |
Austria | Georgia | Mexico | Switzerland |
Bahrain | Germany | Montenegro | Syria |
Bulgaria | Ghana | Morocco | Taiwan |
Bangladesh | Greece | Myanmar | Thailand |
Belarus | Hong Kong | Nepal | Timor-Leste |
Belgium | Hungary | Netherlands | Tunisia |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Iceland | New Zealand | Turkey |
Brazil | India | Nigeria | Uganda |
Bulgaria | Indonesia | Norway | Ukraine |
Cambodia | Iran | Peru | United Arab Emirates |
Canada | Iraq | Philippines | United Kingdom |
Chile | Israel | Poland | United States |
China | Ireland | Portugal | Uzbekistan |
Colombia | Italy | PuertoRico | Venezuela |
Costa Rica | Jordan | Réunion | Vietnam |
Croatia | Kazakhstan | Romania | Zimbabwe |
Cuba | Kenya | Russian Federation |
The OrganiseriiMC, Mumbai, is a film production and distribution house which also involves into film festivals for the last 11 years. Apart from IFFC, it also holds Festival on Gandhian Films, and also Festival of Films on Tribes and Tribal Arts at different cities of India.
In an emerging territory of over millions of inhabitants, this Film Festival serves as a common platform for young filmmakers, the presence of the international film fraternity, trained filmmakers and media representatives, together with over 10 000 visitors, confirms IFFC’s status as the leading film festival in India, recognized by film professionals and the wider public alike. The festival focuses on culture and tourism through the Competition selections for short fiction, animation and documentary films.
IFFC IV was opened in presence of film celebrities like Jaya Prada (Legendary Film Actress), AartiChhabria (Renowned Film Actress and a former model), Raj ShekharVyas (Addl. Director General, Doordarshan (PrasarBharati), Delhi. GajendraChauhan (Ex Chairman, Film Institute of India, Poona and television and film actor) AnupSoni (Renowned Television Actor and anchor) SmitaBansal (TV and Film Actress) SushmaShiromani (Vice President of IMPPA, Producer and Director) Anil Dhawan (Renowned Film & TV Actor) VijaytaPandit (Known Film Actress & Playback Singer) Shagufta Ali (Film & TV Actress) RakeshBedi (Renowned Film, Stage & TV Actor)
During the 3 days of the Film Festival which was sponsored by Department of Tourism, Government of Rajasthan, numerous eminent filmmakers presented their work to the public from all over the globe including local professional film makers from Rajasthan..